Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day - thank you all.

Today is a special day for dads, and I want to say to these people- I love it when you take me for early morning hikes in my backpack, read stories to me, hold my hand when I learn to walk while mommy and daddy are away and catch me in your arms when I stumble into them.

I can't wait for when you can teach me about the planets and the stars, pick apples with me and take the dogs for a walk, run 10km races with me or teach me to hit a cover drive and kick a drop punt like a true-blue Aussie. For now I'll settle for a steady hand to hold.


cplist said...

Cute little booger! I'm curious, though, which one of us father figures will be 1st to loan you our car keys when you have your driver's permit.

Kelly said...

So sweet. Happy Father's Day, Craig! Happy Birthday, Patrick!! Lots of things to celebrate lately!