Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm just cruisin'

So, I'm 8 1/2 months old now and mom and dad think I might walk before I crawl (they hope this is not a metaphor for my whole life). I still don't really like being on my tummy, and would much prefer to hang out on 2 feet. I worked out that if I just hang on to this couch, I can streeeetttcchhh and stumble and get stuff.

My favourite thing to say- Dadadadadadadada (not purposeful... we think) and blowing big spraying raspberries.
My favourite toy- it changes every day but anything that can be banged together is good
My favourite place- in bed between mommy and daddy at 5am
My least favourite place- my own crib at 5am

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What a beautiful boy! We can't WAIT to meet him next week! (And of course, see you two!)